Un Mundo De Niños (2024 Remastered)

By Cepillín

"Un Mundo de Niños" is an album by the beloved Mexican clown and singer Cepillín, released in 1990. This record is designed to capture the imagination and joy of children through energetic songs and positive messages. With his characteristic playful style, Cepillín addresses educational and entertaining themes, creating a musical environment that invites participation and learning. "Un Mundo de Niños" is a testament to Cepillín's ability to connect with young audiences, offering songs that not only entertain but also promote important values and teachings.

Listen chart 701
Track list : 10 Songs
Jose Santiago Rossino Frati, Ricardo Silvio Mochulske, Ricardo González Gutierrez, Adriana Martinez Gonzalez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Ricardo Silvio Mochulske, Ricardo González Gutierrez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Ricardo Silvio Mochulske, Ricardo González Gutierrez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Ricardo Silvio Mochulske, Ricardo González Gutierrez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Jose Santiago Rossino Frati, Ricardo Silvio Mochulske, Ricardo González Gutierrez, Adriana Martinez Gonzalez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
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